In my Pride gear like I normally am.
Collage of Friends and Family in Hawai'i
My work through the Women’s Center and LGBTQ+ Center really opened my eyes to different identities and how to be more comfortable coming into my own. The events I was able to attend and being in campus center plaza for events like the Clothesline Project, Hell Week, Bingo Nights, and a variety of other things is a highlight. I helped to produce Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues and I taught Safe Zone training to students and faculty. I helped give lectures to classes about sexual identity, gender, pronouns, how to effectively work with LGBTQ+ people, and LGBTQ+ safety. I learned to network with other students, staff, and faculty while hopefully making campus better for students like me; non-traditional, part of the queer community, and so hopeful to earn a degree.
Collage with my 2 boys, Kainoa and Theodore.
The biggest thing that I have learned over the years of trying to get my degree is that it is okay that it has taken me this long to reach this personal goal of mine, it has shown me that my dedication and perseverance will overcome. It has taken me 14 years at 6 different schools with 7 major moves while having 2 kids and so many other responsibilities. Thanks to my professors, staff, and students that pushed me, given me grace when it was needed, and have been the best advocates for me while at UHH. Thanks to my friends and family that supported me through this very long schooling journey. They have seen me through the laughter, finals anxiety, and tears when I have wanted to give up. Believe me, there have been plenty of times I wanted to just quit. Thank goodness I did not.
Moving to Hawai’i from my small town in Arizona has impacted me in ways I could have never imagined. I have met people that have become family and Hawai’i has taught me so many things. I have learned a little about balance, a calmness I have never had before, and opportunities to make a difference for our small community. I am grateful I decided to take that leap forever ago to attend UHH and now, I finally made it!! My impossible goal of graduating with a degree is here and now I can do my best to make things better for those that are around me.
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better." -Dr. Suess
"Only those who attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible." -Albert Einstein
Collage of Just Me
Collage of Hawai'i Island LGBTQ+ Pride things.