UH Hilo Spring 2022 Commencement Celebration Graduates
- All graduates
- College of Arts and Sciences
- College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Natural Resource Management
- College of Business and Economics
- College of Natural and Health Sciences
- Daniel K. Inouye College of Pharmacy
- Ka Haka ʻUla O Keʻelikōlani, College of Hawaiian Language
- Graduates with Honors
- Graduates in Honors Societies
Congratulations University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo Graduates!
- Nelomar Abad (Bachelor of Arts in History)
- Paola Abaro (Doctor of Nursing Practice in Nursing Practice)
- Maximilian Aikala Noel Abraham (Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science)
- Zoe Acosta (Bachelor of Science in Marine Science)
- Joie Keala Agard (Bachelor of Science in Biology)
- Summer K Ah Choy (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Myrna N Aiona (Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Education)
- Kristle Leilani Akau (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Kyle H. Alcorn (Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science)
- Kailey Meghan Alcosiba (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology; Bachelor of Science in Biology)
- Briyana Allen (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology; Bachelor of Arts in Sociology)
- Alina Rosa Alvarado (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Abel Nicolas Alvarez (Master of Arts in Teaching)
- Alana Alvarez (Bachelor of Arts in Communication; Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology & Exercise Science)
- Brenna Elise Alvarez (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Dylan Proctor Ames (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Tricia Saia Amuimuia (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy; Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership)
- Wendy Gadian Marcelo Anches (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Rachel Jane Ancheta (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Jordan Renee Anderson (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Sofie Georgeana-Marie Andres (Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology & Exercise Science)
- Kemey Shirley Andrew (Bachelor of Arts in Administration of Justice)
- Liana Nicole Ang (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy; Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership)
- Jacinda Lee Angelsberg (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Helekunihiakahikina Lancelot Albert Antonio (Bachelor of Arts in Hawaiian Studies)
- Rachel Kay Feather Aragon (Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology)
- David James Arakawa (Master of Science in Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science)
- Austin Tadashi Araki (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Sunny Arashiro (Bachelor of Arts in Sociology)
- Tearina Grace Asiata (Master of Science in Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science)
- Maleah N. K. Astrande (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Kuumakanaleiwilimekealohamakamae T. A. Atay (Subject Certificate in Multidisciplinary Hawaiian Studies )
- Germain Joshua Atmospera (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Christopher M. Aubort (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Maria Esther Eugenio Aurelio (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Jordan Rhiannon Avilla (Bachelor of Science in Marine Science)
- Tehani Baculpo (Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology)
- Manuela Fiorenza Badii (Bachelor of Arts in Marine Science)
- Shai Badon Dellomes (Subject Certificate in Hawaiian Culture)
- Arielle Tasha Magaoay Bagcal (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Samantha Rae Bailo (Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology)
- Kayla Kalamahiehieokalani Bajo (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy; Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership)
- Trevor Michael Bak (Master of Science in Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science)
- Jojo C Balagot (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology; Subject Certificate in Filipino Studies)
- Danielle Noelani Balanay (Bachelor of Arts in Communication)
- Brysha Kekaimalu Balancio-Sadamaru (Bachelor of Arts in Communication; Bachelor of Arts in English; Subject Certificate in Educational Studies)
- Kaimana K. Banagan-Brock (Bachelor of Arts in Japanese Studies)
- Vanessa Lee Anuhea Beckett (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Alexis Hannah Berlin (Bachelor of Science in Biology)
- Megan Rae Berrelleza (Bachelor of Arts in Communication)
- Evan Bryce Berryman (Bachelor of Science in Agriculture)
- Michelle Marie Biete (Bachelor of Science in Biology)
- Alison Bischof (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Diane Kay D. Bonoan (Bachelor of Arts in Communication; Subject Certificate in Educational Studies)
- Kaliu Boteilho (Subject Certificate in Multidisciplinary Hawaiian Studies)
- Tyler Jo Olena Branco-Hedke (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy; Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership)
- Kendra Elynn Brekhus (Bachelor of Science in Astronomy)
- Sarah Elaine Munja Brinkman (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Aaron Frederick Brown (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Raychelle Mae G Brown (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Viviana Bueno (Bachelor of Arts in Geography; Subject Certificate in Spanish Language for Careers)
- Rod Neil A. Burbano (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Madison McGregor Byron (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology; Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Ashlyn Keikemailani Cabatbat (Master of Arts in Teaching)
- Shayne Allen Cabudol (Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology & Exercise Science)
- Bryson Raquepo Cadiz (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy; Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership)
- Latisha Toni Cajudoy (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy; Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership)
- Paige Sade Cajudoy (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy; Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership)
- Danford Maximilian Calica (Bachelor of Arts in History)
- Avery Callenback (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Mason Anthony Campbell (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Jaderich Canete (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Julia Dianne Canfield (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology; Bachelor of Arts in Sociology)
- Bernard Cantorna (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Kordy Carl (Bachelor of Science in Agriculture)
- Jaidyn Carpenter (Bachelor of Science in Agriculture)
- Tiari Kekaimalu Carreira (Master of Arts in Teaching)
- Monique Ka'iulani Kaleikaumaka Carvalho (Master of Arts in Indigenous Language and Culture Education)
- Gil C Castro (Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Subject Certificate in Health Care Administration)
- Mariah Nicole Winona Castro (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Tyron De Vera Chavez (Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology & Exercise Science)
- Luca Checchia Adell (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Lokelani Shyann Chong (Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Subject Certificate in Health Care Administration)
- Cassidy Lai Hee Miyoko Chun (Bachelor of Arts in Art)
- Marie Flore Cidera (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy; Graduate Certificate in Rural Health)
- Jessica K.I.Funtanilla Clanton (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Matthew-Allen Guanio Clemente (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy; Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership)
- Ryan Patrick Coad (Bachelor of Arts in Biology)
- Ramzen Kekaiola Coakley (Master of Arts in Teaching)
- Jolynn Maipilialohaleinaniokuuipo Cobile (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Michael Cofer (Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology & Exercise Science)
- Piper Taylor Mateo Collado (Subject Certificate in Filipino Studies; Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology & Exercise Science)
- Ethan Ashe Collyer (Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology; Subject Certificate in Chinese Studies)
- Marisa Lorraine Cortez (Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology)
- Alysha Ann Kehaulani Cosier-Yee (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Arden Kealiinohookamoku Costales (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Elaine Cottom (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Mykaela Cox (Bachelor of Arts in Administration of Justice)
- Tifaine Nanea Teruko Cabos Crivello (Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology)
- Kelly Natalie Crouch (Bachelor of Science in Agriculture)
- Naomi K Cruz (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Rochelle Kay Cudal (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Sandra Maria Dafincescu (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Rachel Elizabeth Dahms (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Kelsie J Dait (Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology & Exercise Science)
- Kendrick Justin R. Dalmacio (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Makanamakamaeonalani Mei-Yik DaMate (Bachelor of Arts in Communication; Bachelor of Arts in Political Science)
- Eric Dau (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Deepa A. Davies (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Kiana Jade Davis (Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics)
- Jillian J. De Coite (Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting)
- Tatiana De La Cruz (Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology)
- Agata Alencar Jornooki de Oliveira (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Kaile H.M. De Soto (Bachelor of Arts in Communication)
- Roanne Janet Kanani Deabler (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy; Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership)
- Brammie Stella Debrum (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Zyrill Dayne T. Dela Cruz (Bachelor of Science in Chemistry; Subject Certificate in Pre-Pharmacy)
- Jennifer Jolyn Delligatti (Bachelor of Arts in Geography)
- Mercedes Keianah Dennis Graves (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Sophia Michelle Dent (Subject Certificate in Spanish Language for Careers; Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology & Exercise Science; Subject Certificate in Indigenous Public Health)
- Amy DeSa (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Michael Leroy Ringo Devaney (Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics)
- Faye Victoria Alvarado Diez (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Tran Ngoc Bao Dinh (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Lael Danielle Maghirang Dobson (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy; Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership)
- Neilynn J Domnick (Bachelor of Arts in Communication)
- Jarryd Kentaro Dote (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Allison Dries-Padilla (Bachelor of Arts in Physics; Bachelor of Science in Astronomy)
- Tara-Ann Dumlao (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Chelsea Marie Dumo (Bachelor of Arts in Marine Science)
- Caroline Joyce DuMoulin (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Allison Leilani Dupre (Bachelor of Arts in Communication; Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Xavier Durant (Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics)
- Brenda Dye (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Jamie Economy (Master of Arts in Teaching)
- Kaitlynne Dianne Eggert (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Seledonia Elidok (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Samantha Makanahele Emmsley (Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science)
- Aiko Lepeka Ah Yee English (Master of Arts in Indigenous Language and Culture Education)
- Tiana Puakea Enos-Dano (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy; Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership)
- Brooke Emma Enright (Bachelor of Science in Biology; Subject Certificate in Marine Option Program)
- Virgil Esquivel (Bachelor of Science in Agriculture)
- Crystal Marie Ezekias (Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology & Exercise Science)
- Jade Makamae Farmer (Subject Certificate in Data Science)
- Stuart Kalehua Featheran (Bachelor of Science in Geology)
- Sofia Belen Ferreira Colman (Bachelor of Science in Marine Science; Subject Certificate in Data Science; Subject Certificate in Marine Option Program)
- Jessica Kawaiola Ferrell (Master of Arts in Teaching)
- Raul Anthony Flores (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Grace Indigo Franchini (Master of Arts in Teaching)
- Melanie Franze (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Spencer Thomas Franklin Frawley (Bachelor of Science in Marine Science)
- Kameron Kapuni Kalamaku No'eau Freitas (Master of Arts in Indigenous Language and Culture Education)
- Cheyenne Keiko Fuertes (Subject Certificate in Educational Studies; Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology & Exercise Science)
- Mackenzie A Fugett (Bachelor of Science in Biology)
- Kaley Fujii (Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics; Bachelor of Science in Computer Science)
- Keadin Reizo Fujii (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Kamaki Shaunley Fujikawa (Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting)
- Cody Kaniala Mitsunari Tominaga Fujimoto (Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology)
- Kilar Fujimoto (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Shoko Fujita (Bachelor of Arts in Communication; Subject Certificate in Hawaiian Culture)
- Kazumi Fujitani (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Ashley Ayaka Fukuchi (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Teppei Fukuda (Bachelor of Arts in Japanese Studies; Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Jackson William Fuller (Bachelor of Arts in English)
- Christopher James Furman (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Trent Michael Furuta (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Emme Lee Furuya (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Ammina-Josie Makalapua Palaganas Galdones (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Makena Leahi Galimba (Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology & Exercise Science)
- Dashiell C. Gallagher (Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting)
- KanoaCarlos Gallen (Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology & Exercise Science)
- Amylia-Rae Makana Lani Gandolf (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Ruel G. Ganitano (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Nadia Fumiko Garcia (Bachelor of Arts in Political Science; Subject Certificate in International Politics)
- Sarai Valentin Garcia (Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology)
- Emily Garland (Master of Arts in Teaching)
- Jewel Gary (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Shauna Kailani Gaylord (Master of Arts in Teaching)
- Maxwell Jake Geiger (Bachelor of Science in Biology; Subject Certificate in Data Science)
- Kimikyla Phyliss Gikbay (Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology & Exercise Science; Subject Certificate in Indigenous Public Health)
- Jessica Garrison Glazner (Master of Science in Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science)
- Emmanuel E Gonzalez (Bachelor of Science in Biology)
- Olivia Graham-Mclennan (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy; Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership)
- Carson Phillips Green (Bachelor of Science in Marine Science; Subject Certificate in Data Science)
- McKenna Yanmiao Green (Bachelor of Science in Marine Science)
- Nathaniel Greenwald (Bachelor of Arts in Marine Science)
- Makanalani Hokuloa Carvalho Guillermo (Bachelor of Arts in Communication)
- Jacqueline Hackworth (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Stephanie L Hake (Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology & Exercise Science)
- Ariel Halemano (Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology)
- Kristy Minako Hamamoto (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Chad Kalani Hao (Master of Arts in Teaching)
- Laura Lynice Hardaway (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy; Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership)
- Cydney Harkness (Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology & Exercise Science)
- Caitlin Malia Harrowby (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Elyse Anelali'i Lani Tamiko Hasegawa (Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting)
- Leia Mika Hasegawa (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Anthony Lazaro Cabreira Haskett (Bachelor of Arts in Communication; Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology & Exercise Science)
- Alexis Yooko Kealaonapua Hata (Bachelor of Arts in Biology)
- Gemelie K Hatchie (Bachelor of Science in Agriculture)
- Mingxia June Hawkins (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Kevianna Adams (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology; Bachelor of Science in Chemistry)
- Cash William Sobretodo Helman (Master of Arts in Teaching)
- Alicia Nelda Halkett Hicks (Master of Arts in Teaching)
- Hannah Lee Highsmith (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology; Bachelor of Science in Biology)
- Lisa Hiraishi (Bachelor of Arts in Art; Subject Certificate in Digital Media Arts)
- Jamieson Thomas Kawika Hideo Hirayama (Bachelor of Arts in Communication; Bachelor of Arts in Sociology; Subject Certificate in Public Policy)
- Mahealani Josephine Hirokane (Bachelor of Science in Biology)
- Mana Kauikeolani Ellen Ho (Bachelor of Arts in Communication; Bachelor of Arts in Japanese Studies)
- Yan Yee Ho (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy; Graduate Certificate in Health Sciences Research)
- Tyler Wailea Honda (Master of Arts in Teaching)
- Tiffany-Ann Tomoko Hoota (Bachelor of Arts in Sociology)
- Daniel Hoshino (Bachelor of Science in Computer Science)
- Kawehiokalani Housman (Master of Arts in Indigenous Language and Culture Education)
- Hsu, Chu-Wen (Bachelor of Arts in Communication)
- Viky Zhiling Huang (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Annastasia Hurt-Moran (Bachelor of Arts in Administration of Justice)
- Lauren Tran Huynh (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Thien Hao Huynh (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Maikai K Iaea-Russell (Subject Certificate in Multidisciplinary Hawaiian Studies)
- Malie Ibarra (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration; Subject Certificate in Business Analytics; Subject Certificate in Multidisciplinary Hawaiian Studies)
- Andi Igawa (Master of Arts in Teaching)
- Cassandra Ingemi (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Samantha Magaoay Jacinto (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- John Jacob (Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical Sciences)
- Noel Jacob (Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting)
- Katrina Joy Kehaulani Jardine (Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Olivia Maya Jarvis (Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science; Subject Certificate in Spanish Language for Careers; Subject Certificate in Data Science; Subject Certificate in Marine Option Program)
- Kaela Raeann Koemi Jelsma (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Taylor Kaleihooheno Sanae Jennings (Bachelor of Science in Biology)
- Ku'uhiapo Kahilihiwa Villareal Jeong (Bachelor of Arts in Communication; Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Junita M Jetley (Bachelor of Arts in Administration of Justice)
- Mark Jimenez (Bachelor of Science in Computer Science)
- Kion John (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Kamalani Micah Johnson (Master of Arts in Indigenous Language and Culture Education)
- Mariah Janae Johnson (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Skyylerblu Cruz Johnson (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Robert Lee Justice (Master of Science in Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science)
- Paige Kagimoto (Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology & Exercise Science; Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Chanderlynn Gabatino Ku'uleiaupuni Kahananui (Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Education)
- Kuponokanohoana M. Kalauli (Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting; Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Grace Kaweloaloha Kalili (Bachelor of Arts in Geography)
- Noreen Kehaulani Kaloi (Bachelor of Arts in Communication; Bachelor of Arts in Sociology; Subject Certificate in Accounting)
- Kekaulike Lanikuakaa Tiave Kalua (Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology & Exercise Science)
- Kealohilani N Kama-Hosea (Subject Certificate in Multidisciplinary Hawaiian Studies)
- Ihilani Kawaipunahele o omoka'a Kamau (Bachelor of Science in Marine Science)
- Alana Kuuleialoha Kanahele (Master of Arts in Indigenous Language and Culture Education)
- Christopher Chad Kaneko (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Yuka Kaneko (Bachelor of Arts in Communication)
- Tysen Nainoa Kaniaupio (Subject Certificate in Multidisciplinary Hawaiian Studies)
- Tressie Mekealohaokapono Kapono (Master of Science in Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science)
- Zena Filomina Ka`awaloa Fekei Kauaula (Bachelor of Arts in Hawaiian Studies)
- Zyshana Kolokea Selepa Kauaula (Bachelor of Arts in Hawaiian Studies; Subject Certificate in Hawaiian Language)
- Caitlin Kawaiaea (Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science)
- Rodney Allan Kawaiaea Jr (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- John Julian Kekupono'okanakanui Kea (Bachelor of Arts in Communication)
- Pohai Kealoha (Subject Certificate in Hawaiian Culture)
- Joey Alyssa Keegan (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Cassidy M Kelii (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Kealaula Keliikuli (Subject Certificate in Multidisciplinary Hawaiian Studies)
- Dylan Aalii Riichi Kelling (Bachelor of Science in Marine Science)
- Kyle M. Kennedy (Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting)
- Dina Khatib (Bachelor of Arts in Marine Science)
- Kalama Kiefer (Bachelor of Science in Computer Science)
- Minkyung Kim (Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Natalia Keale Kim (Bachelor of Science in Biology)
- Seth W Kim (Subject Certificate in Hawaiian Culture)
- Sean Allan Kirkpatrick (Master of Science in Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science)
- Shawn Kolar (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Brandee Pualani Hiroko Konanui-McDaniel (Bachelor of Arts in Communication)
- Caleb Kainalu Moon Wah Kow (Bachelor of Arts in Natural Science)
- Linda Kathleen Krewson (Bachelor of Arts in Gender & Women's Studies; Bachelor of Arts in Sociology)
- Katja H Krishok (Master of Arts in Teaching)
- Kimsky Kubo (Master of Science in Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science)
- Rich Choi Kuhlmann (Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting)
- Kayla Kanoelani Kunihisa (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Jessie M. Ladouceur (Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology)
- Cleighton Anthony Lagmay (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Jenelyn Lagua (Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology & Exercise Science)
- Jane Lakritz (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy; Graduate Certificate in Health Sciences Research)
- Josephine Lalita (Bachelor of Science in Chemistry)
- Tiffany Ka Yan Lam (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Johnson Langidrik (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Annie Larson (Bachelor of Arts in Marine Science)
- Noah Allen Lau (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Torri Aeriel Law (Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology)
- Natasha A. Lawrence (Bachelor of Arts in Communication)
- Shaila Hokulani Apele Lawrence (Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology)
- Connie Phuong Duyen Le (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Josephine Kehaulani Lee Hong-Mauga (Bachelor of Arts in Sociology)
- Jeffrey Yu-Han Lee (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Hannah Marie Lemans (Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology)
- Kealoha W Lewis (Subject Certificate in Multidisciplinary Hawaiian Studies)
- Jodi Lillie (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Zhian Lin (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy; Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership)
- Simone Antoinette Lindhardt (Subject Certificate in Educational Studies; Bachelor of Arts in Marine Science)
- Luca Lippert (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Jessica L Loeffler (Master of Arts in Teaching)
- Christian Alba Lopez (Bachelor of Science in Chemistry; Subject Certificate in Pre-Pharmacy)
- Gabriel Armond Lopez (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Monique Joy Domingcil Lorenzo (Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology & Exercise Science)
- Tasha Nanea Lorenzo (Bachelor of Arts in Communication; Subject Certificate in Educational Studies)
- Jorjah Kainoa Haliaka Losalio-Watson (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration; Subject Certificate in Business Analytics)
- Nowel Ann Lucas (Bachelor of Arts in Art)
- Chelsea Keahi Pili O Kalani Ludwig (Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology)
- Rebekah Angelika Magers (Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science)
- Justin Wayne Kaleikaumaka Maglinti (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology; Subject Certificate in Educational Studies)
- Nikko Marion Bayudan Magtoto (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy; Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership)
- Lucky Wahine Pomaikai Maka (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Ashley Zenia Malek (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Brooklyn-Haley Nokeakua Maltezo (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Nina Vierra Cardoza Manuel (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy; Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership)
- Melissa M. Martella (Bachelor of Arts in Geography)
- Ryan Mashiyama (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Richard Jay Masse (Master of Science in Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science)
- Alyssa Isabella Mathews (Bachelor of Arts in Geography)
- Abcde Leimomi Kupa Matias (Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology)
- Darien Lee Matlock (Bachelor of Science in Marine Science)
- Gage Nohea Matsumoto (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Kaiulani Leialoha Carvalho Matsumoto (Bachelor of Arts in Communication; Bachelor of Arts in English; Subject Certificate in Creative Writing; Subject Certificate in Digital Visualization and Communication)
- Chanel Mattheus (Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology & Exercise Science; Subject Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)
- Alexis Ella Ramos Matundan (Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology & Exercise Science; Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Niah Yechang Maui (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Cydnee Kamalamamalulani Maunakea (Bachelor of Arts in Hawaiian Studies)
- Cindy Jean McCarty (Bachelor of Arts in Biology)
- Madalyn Mccaulley (Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Julia Rose McGann (Bachelor of Arts in Geography)
- Maya Kuluwaimakaokalani McGarry (Bachelor of Arts in Administration of Justice; Bachelor of Arts in Psychology; Subject Certificate in Performing Arts)
- Kehaulani Piliholei Helena Medeiros (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Kekailiko Medeiros (Bachelor of Arts in Hawaiian Studies; Subject Certificate in Hawaiian Language)
- Raelyssa N. K Medeiros (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Roxie Kaehukaimaikalani Medeiros (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Teva Kapaneakealoha Timothy Medeiros (Master of Arts in Indigenous Language and Culture Education)
- Van M Medeiros (Subject Certificate in Multidisciplinary Hawaiian Studies)
- Kasen K Mehau (Subject Certificate in Multidisciplinary Hawaiian Studies)
- Christian V. Meier (Bachelor of Science in Biology)
- James Bartlett Melcher IV (Master of Science in Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science)
- Ivana Mendiola (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Irma Mendoza Canales (Bachelor of Arts in Administration of Justice)
- Lauren N. Miho (Doctor of Nursing Practice in Nursing Practice)
- Michael Robert Mikuriya (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Nicole Faith Miller (Bachelor of Arts in History)
- Tiara Lee Miller (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Michael Mishina (Bachelor of Arts in Japanese Studies)
- Mandee Miyake (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Yuki Miyawaki (Bachelor of Arts in Japanese Studies)
- Jamaica Ann Moake (Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology)
- Isaia Waiolama Momoe (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Jo-Anna K. K. Moniz (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Jordyn Ku'uleilani Moniz (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Stephanie Montoya (Bachelor of Arts in Biology)
- Makena Cameron Morris (Bachelor of Arts in Communication; Subject Certificate in Educational Studies)
- Ka'inapau AhFung Mossman (Bachelor of Arts in Communication)
- Relian Mudong (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Kristine Villanueva Muerong (Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting)
- Christopher William Munjar (Master of Arts in Teaching)
- Wangui Mwaniki (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy; Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership)
- Kealaulaokalaealohilohinei Lily Kum Lung Nahuina (Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics)
- Kyle C. Nakagawa (Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Kenzo C. Nakamura (Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Hihona Nakatani (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration; Subject Certificate in Sustainable Tourism)
- Amber IL Nakihei (Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology)
- Tomaia M Namakalele-Swain (Subject Certificate in Multidisciplinary Hawaiian Studies)
- Thomas Jacob Nartatez (Subject Certificate in Educational Studies; Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics)
- Catherine Jean Neal (Bachelor of Arts in Marine Science)
- Jessica Constance-Verhelst Nelson (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Danh-Ronald Thanh Nguyen (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Sadie Que Nguyen (Bachelor of Science in Geology)
- Christa Ellen Na'ilima Nicholas (Bachelor of Arts in Geography; Subject Certificate in Planning)
- Meriah Jean Nichols (Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology)
- Kenneth Kahiau Niheu (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Noah Keomaka Vili Nihipali (Bachelor of Arts in English; Subject Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)
- Reid Minoru Nishimura (Master of Arts in Teaching)
- Trisha Kassey Nobriga (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy; Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership)
- Niger Junior Nogo (Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting)
- Nicole Chelsea Jean Nonies (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Justice Delight Norman (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Nadra Mahgoub Nour (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy; Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership)
- Michael B. Nozares (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Cassidy Carin Ohia (Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology)
- Samantha Lavon Okubo (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy; Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership)
- 'Onipa'a Olanapuaopi'ilani Olds (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Bryanne Kaitlyn Olson (Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology & Exercise Science)
- Kayla Kalehuahulale'aikamoana Ontai (Bachelor of Arts in Hawaiian Studies)
- Caitlyn Marie Ortega Baichtal (Bachelor of Arts in Communication)
- Jason Thomas Ozbolt (Subject Certificate in Unmanned Aircraft Systems; Bachelor of Arts in Geography)
- Katelin Riingen Paderan (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Alyssa Anne Kuuipo Padilla (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Heather Rose Padilla (Master of Arts in Teaching)
- Shanelle Kuuipo Pagan (Bachelor of Arts in Administration of Justice)
- Jaisele Ann Paguirigan (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Jerome Romualdo Paguirigan (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Brenna R Palmer-Perry (Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology & Exercise Science; Subject Certificate in Indigenous Public Health)
- Paulette L. Pang-Ching (Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology)
- Alexandria Shaylynn Parisian (Bachelor of Arts in Communication; Bachelor of Arts in Sociology; Subject Certificate in Educational Studies)
- Angelyn Seol Park (Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Yun Soo Park (Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Carlene Trisha Humilde Patris (Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology & Exercise Science)
- Maisie Paulson (Bachelor of Arts in Administration of Justice; Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Breeze Ann Pavao (Bachelor of Arts in Administration of Justice; Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Shayne Leon Kahoohiki Pe'a (Bachelor of Arts in Administration of Justice)
- Deion Pe'a-Whitney (Subject Certificate in Multidisciplinary Hawaiian Studies)
- Hualai Pea (Subject Certificate in Multidisciplinary Hawaiian Studies)
- Koae L Pea (Subject Certificate in Multidisciplinary Hawaiian Studies)
- Roger Shandiin Peck (Bachelor of Arts in Geography)
- Griza S. Perez (Bachelor of Arts in Political Science)
- Kathy Zitlaly Perez (Bachelor of Arts in Biology)
- Jade Kalae Perreira (Bachelor of Arts in Communication; Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Kaylyn June Cassidy Perry (Bachelor of Arts in Sociology)
- Valerie Pertubal (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Brian David Petrone (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy; Graduate Certificate in Health Sciences Research)
- Jenny Phong (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy; Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership)
- Mary Ruth Pierce (Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology)
- Madrey Ngebekai Polloi (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Cody Uriah Porter (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy; Graduate Certificate in Health Sciences Research)
- Thomas James Mcdonnell Power (Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology & Exercise Science)
- Angelina Rose Prewitt (Bachelor of Arts in Biology)
- David Gilberto Quinones (Bachelor of Arts in Geology)
- Taylor Aiko Pilialoha Quinories (Bachelor of Arts in Communication)
- Averi Gabriela Quintero (Bachelor of Science in Agriculture)
- Imya P Rabaino (Subject Certificate in Multidisciplinary Hawaiian Studies)
- Chrisann Rabanes (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology; Bachelor of Science in Biology)
- Kirsten Marie Ragasa (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Beejay Asio Ramiro (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Aston Benjamin Salviejo Ramos (Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science)
- Victoria Marie Ramos (Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting)
- Amy Beth Victoria Raynard (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology; Subject Certificate in Spanish Language for Careers)
- Krista Kaylynn Rego (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Jovelia Repullo (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Dana A. Revilla (Bachelor of Arts in Sociology)
- Alyssa-Jade M Riglos (Bachelor of Science in Biology)
- Wentworth Rivera (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Sheldon Takeshi Keoni-Kawikaonalani Rosa (Bachelor of Arts in Hawaiian Studies; Bachelor of Science in Marine Science; Subject Certificate in Marine Option Program)
- Marvin Joubin Rositzki (Bachelor of Arts in Biology)
- Brian Matthew Rule (Bachelor of Science in Agriculture)
- Carly Sharon Ryder (Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology & Exercise Science)
- Donald Christian Sachs (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Ryan James Sack (Bachelor of Science in Marine Science)
- Melanie Aninag Sacro (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Payton K Saguid (Subject Certificate in Multidisciplinary Hawaiian Studies)
- Micheal Angelo Sagun (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Kellen Tatsuo Sakamoto (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Lucas Eiji Doi Sakay (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Gavin Tsugio Sako (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Brooke Violet Sakuma (Subject Certificate in Spanish Language for Careers; Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Subject Certificate in Health Care Administration)
- Hera Hoku Salmeron (Bachelor of Arts in Communication; Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Anna Michelle Sanchez-Newby (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Kahikimoeokekai Vaiaro Santos (Subject Certificate in Hawaiian Culture)
- Tzarina K. Pomaikaikahanaiaiaikonalaapau Santos (Master of Arts in Indigenous Language and Culture Education)
- Franccesca Scheckel (Bachelor of Science in Astronomy)
- Lacey Scheeler (Bachelor of Science in Marine Science)
- Marissa Noelani Schott (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Jesse Ling Shepard (Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting)
- Jena Lynn Kamalani Mieko Wright Shidaki (Bachelor of Arts in Communication)
- Kyler Shigematsu (Bachelor of Science in Agriculture)
- Sara Ann Sedako Shimizu (Bachelor of Arts in Communication; Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology & Exercise Science)
- Carli Saori Shimokihara (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Ajana Maron Silvers (Bachelor of Arts in Marine Science)
- Brittany Ann Simison (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Akane Toyoda Sinatra (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Scott Sison (Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Subject Certificate in Data Science; Subject Certificate in Database Management)
- Jady Hina Sleightholm (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration; Subject Certificate in Business Analytics)
- Kalikohaliaaloha Smith (Bachelor of Science in Agriculture)
- Kara Lyn Smith (Bachelor of Arts in Marine Science)
- Jessica Song (Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Anuhea Lucille Mae Sonnenberg (Bachelor of Science in Chemistry)
- Kohlby Soong (Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science)
- Martin Soukal (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Keilani Steele (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Patricia Lynn Stevens (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Kainalu Kala Kukea Steward (Master of Science in Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science)
- Kanoelani Kapeka Steward (Master of Arts in Indigenous Language and Culture Education)
- Venice S. Subia (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Paige Naomi Sumida (Doctor of Nursing Practice in Nursing Practice)
- Kmes Rockford Tabelual (Bachelor of Arts in Communication)
- Mikayla S. Tablit (Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology & Exercise Science)
- Bernadette Realgo Tabula (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy; Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership)
- Yoshino Taira (Subject Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)
- Helen Tak (Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science)
- Tara Marie Rebuenog Takafuji (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Jason K Tanaka (Master of Arts in Teaching)
- Emma Kawaikahi Tanigawa (Bachelor of Arts in History; Subject Certificate in Educational Studies; Bachelor of Arts in Hawaiian Studies)
- Carly Kahiau Tanimoto-Scott (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Aiko Lynn Tasaki (Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology & Exercise Science)
- Kahealani Ruth Taum (Bachelor of Arts in Communication; Subject Certificate in Educational Studies)
- Katrina Taylor (Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology)
- Travis Makana'akua Taylor (Bachelor of Arts in Art)
- Victoria Mikiala Ann Taylor (Master of Arts in Indigenous Language and Culture Education)
- Kolten Akio Kawaiola Texeira (Bachelor of Arts in Administration of Justice)
- Skylar Kamaleikipola Kaui Thomas (Bachelor of Science in Agriculture)
- Angelique Leinaala Puanani Thompson (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Desiree M. Thompson (Bachelor of Science in Agriculture)
- Jalen Jeffrey Thompson (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Adrienne Barbara Todd-Walden (Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics)
- Jora May-Ann Kaiokiaiakealoha Tolentino-Smith (Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Education)
- Clarissa Lokelani Tomiyama (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Leiohu Ming Tong (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology; Subject Certificate in Health Care Administration)
- Lillian Ton Tran (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Jamila Rarangol Transfiguracion (Bachelor of Science in Agriculture)
- Emily Jean Treadaway (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology; Subject Certificate in Spanish Language for Careers)
- Moana Tsukahara (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration; Subject Certificate in Business Analytics)
- Laura Mika Tsunehiro Kang (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Kara Tsuzaki (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy; Graduate Certificate in Health Sciences Research)
- Mikie Takeuchi Turner (Subject Certificate in Indigenous Public Health)
- Kaelyn Kanae Uchida (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
- Sabrina Anne Kayo Uchino (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Tyler Tane Uehara (Bachelor of Science in Agriculture)
- Jake Patrick Unger (Subject Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages; Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics)
- Brenna Mary Ann Usher (Master of Arts in Teaching)
- Katheryn Noelia Valle (Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science)
- Stacey K. Villaver (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Danika Denise Hi'ilani Viluan (Bachelor of Arts in Hawaiian Studies)
- Courtney Rae Waldfogel (Bachelor of Arts in Biology)
- Quinn Kelly Wallace (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
- Tyler Waltjen (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Chloe Yuriko Waters (Bachelor of Science in Biology)
- Rebecca Jane Webster (Master of Science in Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science)
- Aaron Clifton Kellner Wehrman (Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science)
- Noah Ken Kaleihulumanunoaakealoha Wengler (Bachelor of Arts in Communication)
- Robert Coombs Wheeler (Bachelor of Arts in History)
- Clara Reigel Whetstone (Bachelor of Science in Marine Science; Subject Certificate in Marine Option Program)
- Elijah Winger (Bachelor of Arts in Marine Science)
- Cappi Kaya Winters (Subject Certificate in Spanish Language for Careers; Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Shumin Wu (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy)
- Ereong Amanda Yalap (Bachelor of Arts in Sociology; Subject Certificate in Pre-Law)
- Tomoka Yarita (Subject Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)
- Kiani Elie Yasak (Master of Arts in Indigenous Language and Culture Education)
- Natasha Lokilani Yee (Bachelor of Arts in Sociology)
- Janelle T Yi (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies)
- Kotaro Yogi (Master of Arts in Indigenous Language and Culture Education)
- Lino Yoshikawa (Subject Certificate in Spanish Language for Careers; Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics)
- Devan Justin Yoshimura (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Kailee Yoshimura (Bachelor of Science in Biology)
- Kaiulani Young (Subject Certificate in Multidisciplinary Hawaiian Studies)
- Young, Kiliona M. T (Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Education)
- Maikalyn K Young (Subject Certificate in Multidisciplinary Hawaiian Studies)
- Devin Yuw (Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration)
- Kh Ahammad Uz Zaman (Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical Sciences)
- Kristi Ann Yasuko Moribe Zane (Bachelor of Arts in Pharmacy Studies; Doctor of Pharmacy in Pharmacy; Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership)
- Nicole J Zielinski (Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology & Exercise Science)
- Isabella Q. Zingray (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology)
The list of degree candidates are tentative and based upon the successful completion of work undertaken. Degree conferral can only be verified by receipt of a diploma or official transcript noting degree completion; inclusion in the Commencement Program or participation in the Commencement Ceremony does not imply degree conferral. The official registry for conferral of degrees is with the UH Hilo Registrar.